Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Buddhism and Christian Consciousness

I started reading a book today, Thomas Merton and Buddhism, part of the Thomas Merton series by Fons Vitae. Its going to be a fascinating read.
I've been interested, and have studied for a number of years Buddhist thought, especially as it pertains to esoteric, or mystical application. In this regard, I have often thought how can I apply what I've learned in a Christian context, or incorporate into my Christian consciousness.

The ultimate in Buddhist thought is the Buddha nature in all things, that which is either pure Mind, or pure Emptiness. Well, this isn't so far from the Godhead of Christianity, as properly conceptualized, though It be beyond all conceptualization.
The Essence. The One. That is a couple of titles for what is ineffable.

What approaches this in Buddhism is the Dharmakaya, or Body of Dharma, as the ultimate Buddha-body, equivalent to Nirvana. Dharmakaya is the utmost body of the Trikaya, or three bodies of the Buddha. Thus to experience this is to apprehend, to partake of the divine nature, as 2Pet 1:4 speaks of. There are two lower bodies: Samboghakaya- Body of Bliss, or Enjoyment Body, and Nirmanakaya- Body of Appearance, or Magic Body, or Body of Illusion. These may correspond to our imaginal, and physical experiences respectively. But I wonder...

Though Dharmakaya definitely corresponds to the divine Essence, or even the Father, would not also Samboghakaya correspond to the Son, hence the Logos, and Nirmanakaya correspond to the Holy Spirit, as He renews the manifestation of the Logos on the physical plane in terms of existentiation?

Therefore, as a Christian, I would contemplate this by direct perception, or through faith, striving until one's eyes were opened, on each person of the Trinity, until that each Person is known in terms of its relation to the Essence of deity, which is Ultimate Being, equivalent to the Emptiness, and Pure Nature of Mind, only attainable through enlightenment, that is to say, gnosis.

Thus to realize the Holy Spirit's role to produce and maintain, to renew our physical phenomenal body; to realize the Son's role as giving us access to the Bliss of divinity, and overcoming, triumphant living, and consciousness, dwelling in heavenly realms; and the Father's role in Essence, and Truth beyond all duality, and entification, a true place of whatlessness.

God, help us to strive to taste and see that you are good, and that we may partake of your divine nature in the exact measure that our faith is willing to go. Thank you, in Jesus' name. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Leon said...

You're welcome.
